Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Become the best speaker you know!

Want to know the tips and tricks of master presenters? Here is where to look.

You will find quick-n-dirty bits to help make you the best speaker you know!

I must warn you, if you begin using these tips, people will be asking you to give more speeches. I also must mention that this is an audio blog. That means I use a service called Jott ( to dictate to this blog. That means there may be the occasional typo, although Jott is amazingly accurate. And free (so far). So, thanks to Jott, I can telephone in an idea when it hits me and there it appears, all fresh and ready to help you out.

I am a professional speaker, trainer, author (public speaking texts), and college professor of speech communication. You can trust my advice. I hope to be of service to you in your journey to be the best speaker you know!

Mark Butland

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