Thursday, April 3, 2008

Consider Using Visual Icons

Consider using icons in your speaker notes. Most speakers use notes to track their thoughts. This can be a mixed blessing. While it helps us remember important ideas, it also can take away from critical audience eye contact. Try this! Create an icon that represents an important point in your the next presentation.
When I do meeting effectiveness presentations, an icon I put in my speaking notes is the shape of the face of a clock. When I see that Icon in my notes, it reminds me that one rule to implement in meetings is "no monologuing" or hogging the clock. No ones should ever speak for more than 6 minutes in a meeting.
Glancing at the clock face icon reminds me of this important point but only takes a fraction of a second to see in my notes. Result: I remember what I want to tell my audience but retail strong eye-contact. Try creating your own icon to help you have more time to look 'em in the eyes. listen

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